I'm curious. I want to meet some of my little bloggy followers. I want to know you guys.
I mean, I have 170 followers.. but generally get comments from the same 15-20 people. That leaves lots of unknown/possible new friends. So I have a request.
Leave me a little comment, and introduce yourself. Maybe you read and don't comment.. maybe you only comment occasionally. Don't be shy. I don't judge. Usually. ;)
And hey. Even if you do usually comment, tell me something random about yourself. I'll tell you something about me.
I'm scared of butterflies.
I mean, I have 170 followers.. but generally get comments from the same 15-20 people. That leaves lots of unknown/possible new friends. So I have a request.
Leave me a little comment, and introduce yourself. Maybe you read and don't comment.. maybe you only comment occasionally. Don't be shy. I don't judge. Usually. ;)
And hey. Even if you do usually comment, tell me something random about yourself. I'll tell you something about me.
I'm scared of butterflies.
Pretty sure I don't count as a usual commenter, but I've been following for sometime. We e-mailed a few times...
And I'm happy you're judging TBG :). Should be fun. I know what it's like being like, "ok, how many of my followers actually, you know... FOLLOW..." :)
I'm Kanwal from Pakistan. I read your blog regularly - but don't always comment. Even though I get annoyed when people don't leave comments on my blog either, despite reading it.
So anyway, I'm a foodie - love food - and that's about the random-est thing I could come up with right now.
KEL! I don't think this post is meant for me. We knowz each other :) Random factoid about me then... my favourite comfort food is BLUE CHEESE!
lol well i dont comment at all pretty much cause i dont have much to say but hi :D im hannah, unique name i know xD random fact? i am addicted to tumblr ha.
I have a never commented but i follow!! I'm Jaimie :) I go to the U and am majoring in speech pathology. I am also an avid blog stalker!
hmm...this has got me thinking! I don't want to tell you something that's boring so I pondered a bit on what I would share. I'm passionate about traveling and experiencing different cultures. I think it stems from being born in Italy and experiencing how different two places can be. I love learning about new places, new languages and getting away from the "touristy" spots in a city. Sure, I love museums and art A LOT, but hanging out with the old locals allows you to learn so much more! I want to travel the world (but who doesn't, right?).
I'm deathly afraid of snakes (I was chased by a Viper at the age of 6 and I know that's why I get faint at the sight of one, no matter how big or small).
The last thing I'll share is that I'm a HUGE people pleaser...even when I know I'll be hurt in the end. It's awful and something I've been working on. Saying "NO" to someone doesn't come easily for me.
This was fun! Thanks for making me think a little bit about what I would share - hopefully it wasn't TOO boring ;)
Hi Kellie! I like that you threw the usually in there, this is how I know we are friends :) My random comment is that I REALLY want some cream soda right now and it's 8:30 in the morning....
Randoms: I put hot sauce on everything (even oatmeal), I never curse, my husband always opens doors for me, and I love watching Little House on the Prairie.
I LOVE this idea! (do you mind if I blog-steal it?) SO.. we're basically the best I-buds ever, and I adore you and your blog! Something you don't know about me....
I'm kind of really in love with Darren Criss right now.
random: i ready msn glo every morning like its my newspaper. and i love fishing, and harley davidson. seriously, i am in love with those
I'm surprised how successful this was! I thought the non-commenters would continue not commenting.. Like Allison, I want to steal this! I'll link you back :)
Random Factoid: I'm watching the wedding episode of Bethenny Getting Married? right now and crying.. I cry at everything!
you're afraid of butterflies?!? that is unique!
something random: my guilty pleasure=the bachelorette...such an awful but addicting show
i play the piano and some guitar- and I used to play the drums. I don't much anymore and it makes me sad. I love music! (I realized I rarely mention this on my blog)
hey hey....recent follower, me! most of the time i read a post and don't know wat to comment...so i quietly leave...n sumtimes, i jus leave a "hey, nice one" or "lovely writing" which must be reaaly pissing...cuz i hate that too...com on ppl, ELABORATE!!!!!!!!!!
u wanna know sumthin abt me?
read this n ul know everything. well, ALMOST everything --> http://jitsyspeaks.blogspot.com/2010/06/25-of-me.html
hi, my name is catherine from philippines. i have been reading your blog for quite sometime now and this is my first time to comment. though there are times that i would then later change my mind because i don't have anything witty/ funny to comment. :D
about me: I'm a nurse. I love cooking and baking. I would love to travel. I had a blog but then decided to stop (i'm not good in updating my posts). And yeah, we just became from facebook, thanks again for confirming my request.
In case you go private, i hope i still get to read your blog. my email: cathy_j786@yahoo.com
take care and god bless..
Hi! I JUST found your blog today! So cute :)
I'm your newest follower.
I'm a 26 year old math geek in the midst of a big move to a new house in Rhode Island! I got married last September to my best friend and we have the most adorable dog, Batman.
I've been reading for a while. I just suck at commenting. Mainly because I read from a reader app on my phone and it is hard to click through and comment. So mainly I just talk to my phone when I read posts...like you can hear me...crazy and totally lazy I know. They need an app for that :)
I'm responding to this kind of late, but since I read here I thought I would still leave a comment. I don't remember how long I have been reading this for, but it has been kind of a while. I haven't commented before because I usually read on my phone and leaving comments from a phone kind of sucks.One thing about me is that I hate feet more than pretty much anything. When people even joke about putting thier feet near me I don't like it.
it's me, Ang. You know I read and comment most of the time.
Random thing about me: I hate making left hand turns when I'm driving.
I just want to say I'm absolutely terrified of butterflies! People usually get a good laugh of me running away and hiding from something so 'pretty.'
I'm not scared of butterflies, but I definitely have a tendency to run from them. I think anything that flies, resembles bugs...doesn't work for me.
I'm an occasional commenter...no real reason when I don't (ok, let's be real: I'm lazy), but I read every post! I know you kind of know me, but a reintroduction doesn't hurt! I'm Ashley from sunny (boiling, currently) San Diego. Unemployed, but hopeful for the publishing and journalism industry. As for a random fact...hmmm...I don't own a pair of real shoes. I own sandals, and two pairs of boots...but no shoes.
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