
Have you ever just felt a million things at once? It's overwhelming.. and just hard.

I mean. I'm elated about my big weekend. I'm positive it was an amazing decision, and that it will mean so many good things for my future.
I'm sad that boyfriend had to go though. I always am. Saying goodbye doesn't get easier with time.
I'm happy I got to see his mom again. Seriously. Love her.
I'm also happy his sister and her husband came out to support me. It was pretty awesome.
I'm less than joyful that it's back to reality.
Bored with my..well..boring life. So very stagnant.
Annoyed with little sicknesses. An upset stomach. Slight headache.
Sad that I have no friends. No life.

I just have this annoying sinking feeling in my stomach.


Sierra said...

Feel better love! Thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

I think at least once we've all had some kind of mixed emotions.

Well, from now on. You and I will be friends! Far away we shall be but we shall be friends and very good ones too. We'd probably get along much better than with people we actually know from real life sometimes.

monica said...

love love love your blog!

just wanted you to know


Kyla Makay said...

Listen to the song...

Set the World on Fire (Britt Nicole)

THis song gets me pumping and wanting to live for Jesus. :)

Sorry you are feeling mixed emotions. it will get better soon. just pray.


Sam said...

I'm happy with the first couple things you said. But now Kellie, what is your middle name? For the sake of this comment, it will be Lynn.

Kellie Lynn, the next time you say you have no friends I'm going to hop on a plane and show up on your doorstep and demand to know what you consider all of us who love you and wish we were your next door neighbor so we could see each other and not just type to each other! You have lots of friends who love you and if you want to make friends who you can see daily then you should join a church group or volunteer in your community. Those are two great ways to meet new people (I'm saying this all with love and a big smile on my face) :)

You should definitely read my post I wrote today; I think it will give you the uplifting spirit you need!


Busy Bee Lauren said...

kellie, just know that I you have so many iBFFs that love you, and wish that we were all your real life BFFs. Love you!

kelzone said...

do you go to the home ward or a single's ward? you should go to a single's ward...and'll have guys asking you to hang out all over the place. of course you'll only hang out as friends, but that's the funnest part anyway!

Sarah said...

Cheer up! When things are hard, know that they will ALWAYS get BETTER!