That's The Way It Goes

You gotta bend when the wind blows
You gotta bend when the wind blows
You gotta bend when the wind blows
You gotta bend when the wind blows
You gotta bend when the wind blows

NOPE. Not working. Someone let up on me, please?

I want my grandpa to get better. Things keep getting worse for him. At this point it's only a matter of 'when'.. and I hate it.

I want to cancel this birthday party that my parents are throwing me, because I've told them a thousand times I DON'T want one. I hate making a big deal out of my birthday.

I want to find a reasonable date to set for this thing. I don't want to wait for 3 weeks. Don't want to do it right away. Can't do it in between. Ugh.

I want my stupid face to stop breaking out. You're almost 21 years old, stop acting like such a teenager, face.

I want to go shopping.
I want some Panda Express.
I want to relax and watch a movie.
I want to forget about everything that's going on.



TMB said...

i love this pic! classic!

Hope Chella said...

Word that! :)

kelzone said...

i know people hate to hear this, but right now i TOTALLY feel you. i just have to keep reminding myself of the calm FOLLOWING the storm. since i'm beyond the calm before the storm.

Corinne said...

I'm praying for your grandpa, and I hope he gets better.
And I'm with you with the zits. I'm 23. SERIOUSLY?!!!! grrrrr I'm totally like that little lady on that one.

Slamdunk said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa, he is in my prayers as well

Ashley said...

Oh my, that child is scary.

Go find some Girl Scout cookies. They will help.

Leah said...

Kellie, relax and take a deep breath. Things happen for a reason... I hope your grandpa gets better soon or if not, then just be happy that he will be going to a much better place.

About the friend... I always believe that education is really important and it will dictate your future so I think sacrificing school for a part-time job is not alright.

About the break-outs... you are so stressed that's why. I normally have break-outs (even at my age) when I'm too stressed. So again, relax my dear. xoxo

Leah said...

Did my comment get through? xoxo

Ang said...

Love the picture!

Hope you're feeling better by now!