
Can't have a Thursday without thankfuls.

1. Patience. I say I don't have an endless supply, but it's very close. I used to have none though, and I thank God every day for the help he gave me.

2. Cynthia. Seriously. She keeps me sane at work. She's definitely a blessing, without her I'm pretty sure I would have quit already.

3. Flowers. I'm not sure if there is anything else that can bring more joy and beauty to absolutely anything.

4. The good friendships that I have. The ones where both people put in an effort, and both people think of the other person before themself.

5. Getting my inspiration back.

6. My all-time favorite book Redeeming Love. I'm re re re re reading it. It never gets old. And the lesson it teaches is amazing.

7. Cold water. For without it, I would black out in the shower every day.

8. Getting my car back. As much as I don't like it, it's nice to have my own mode of transportation. And the people even waxed it and vacuumed it for me.

9. A certain person specifically. Who talked to me last night, to distract me from things going on. For his kind words.. he truly is an amazing person and I wish he believed it.

10. My cheap gray cardigan from Forever 21! It saves me when I want something cute and simple to go somewhere.

11. Reconnecting with people.

12. Soothing piano songs, that calm me down and stop me from saying something I'll regret.

13. That I'm not shallow enough to be embarrassed by my parents. True Life: I Have Embarrassing Parents makes me sad.

14. Candy candy candy candy candy candy.

15. Denny's free refills for hot chocolate. And the awesomeness of them giving us a full to-go cup of it when we left.

16. The perfect weather we've been having this past week.

17. Finding out I'm going to have
another beautiful niece in a few months :)

18. Time alone. Even if I'm tempted to spend it sleeping.

19. Knowing at least one person that isn't afraid to shower me with compliments. I've gotta get my fix somehow!

20. Myself. Is that self centered? I think I'm a great person.. and even though I have my flaws, I'm big enough to recognize and fix them. Yeah!


Allison said...

Yay! It's great that you take a day off each week to think about what you're thankful about- it really makes you grateful for what you have! :D

Kellie Collis said...

I too suffer from impatience! x