Over Eater

Sometimes I have a problem eating. It's not that I don't like to eat.. but sometimes I forget. Or when I'm stressed, I have little to no appetite. So I just don't eat..

That was not the case today.

Remember that wonderful waffle iron that boyfriend scored on black Friday? I've had more than my share of waffles since it was acquired. Today I went over, and we had waffles and bacon. A little later we had some pizza. A little later, we had Del Taco. I am pretty sure we spent most of today just eating. And playing Mouse Trap.. and watching TV. Ok, I'm positive that's how we spent most of the day. I am now taking bets on how much weight I'll put on over the next 3 weeks. GO.


Anonymous said...

eating, playing and watching TV all day? Definitely, I think you're on the path to happiness, hehe :D

Anonymous said...

i'm just really glad you played mouse trap. that is awesome! JJ and i have days like that as well. and i totally forget to eat, or am too busy to all the time! people think i'm crazy, but i just don't really think about it.

sounds like you're having a fun waffle-filled weekend :)

also, where on earth is your button?!

lauren brimley said...

I love Mouse Trap.

And I TOTALLY forget to eat a lot. I get you! :)

Sara Rae said...

haha, I do the exact same thing. Sometimes I can go the entire day without eating anything just because it doesn't seem like a priority. Other times, I eat everything in sight.

~M~ said...

I can honestly say I never forget to eat. LOL! All that food sounds delicious!

Allison said...

So cute! I love that you guys had an eating day together- haha, it totally sounds like something I would do! I love the "noms"!

Anonymous said...

That is my ideal day :) I love it haha

Diana Smith said...

I do that too on weekends, I just cant help myself and eat and eat and eat!! I always tell myself this week Im going to be really good, just one more bite of this cheesecake haha never works!

Unknown said...

haha, bets on how much you'll weigh, I bet you won't gain any weight! My lovely/evil blood sugar doesn't allow me to forget to eat....it reminds me with shackiness/passing out...no good.

ConnieB said...

Yep- I forget sometimes too! haha! I also have my Del Taco binges so sounds like we have something in common there (;