
I like it here. I enjoy myself. I have a slight problem with boredom and oversleeping, but I suppose both are things that can be fixed with the acquisition of a job. Ha, big words..

It's 12:30 and I can't sleep because I'm dumb and didn't start laundry earlier. So I'm sitting here watching Family Guy, folding laundry and you know.. sitting here. Craving candy. Craving sleep. Wishing I had something better to tell you guys. Is it really Thursday? Going on two weeks since I've been here.. weird. I'm still waiting for it to all set in. I'm not sure when it will.

Is this the most boring post ever, yet? Told you I have nothing exciting to say, but I'm trying to burn time til my last load of laundry is done and I can sleep again.

Back to Family Guy!


Grace said...

I'm glad you're enjoying Utah! What do you think of the weather? Is it a whole lot colder than where you use to live? (i can't believe i'm asking you about the weather hahaha. it's like a conversation starter.) I should be asleep right now too but decided to catch up on some blog reading. :)

Yay! 1 day closer to Friday.

Ang said...

Are you living alone there or with your boyfriend? You'll get used to it, don't worry.

Any job leads or are you not looking yet?

Corinne said...

A little break never hurt anyone ;)

Slamdunk said...

I hate starting laundry late and then having to find things to do until it is ready. Glad you like it there.

Diana Smith said...

Ughh I have been having trouble sleeping too! Its not fair!!

Anonymous said...

You will get over it all, it's only the beggining of your days there!!

~M~ said...

I am doing laundry right now. Not my fav thing to do!