
Sometimes it's so easy to be negative. Work gets to be a little hard to take, living at home gets frustrating, and the aching starts, to see that 'special' someone. It genuinely starts to feel like I have nothing to be happy about. Nothing to smile about.

But I always do. There's always something. Even if it's not the most obvious reason. I'm alive and I'm loved. By my family, by my boyfriend, and by my Heavenly Father. I have a job when so many are unemployed.. even if it's not the dream job. I'm proud of the person I am. Grateful for the friends I have. I know I'll look back on this time in my life and be thankful for it. Even if they haven't been the best years of my life, they've taught me how to appreciate the little things.



Allison said...

Hang in there, Kell! We love you dearly and love to see you happy! I'm so glad to have a friend like you who I can talk to regularly, vent to, appreciate with. You are wonderful.

kelzone said...

i'm going to write that quote down in my book i'm taking on my mission--the book is for the hard days.

~kiMbeRLy~ said...

i so know what you mean. i catch myself being negative when i really know that i have so many blessings. sometimes i think i need to pout to bring myself around to counting my blessings.

~M~ said...

I am so with you!

Corinne said...

beautifully said, Kelly. I have to admit this morning I was pouting for no particular reason besides it not being Friday. Now, after having read your post, I realize that even though it isn't Friday it's not an excuse to be cranky.
Thank you for turning my frown upside down :)

Slamdunk said...

Thanks for sharing a glass-is-half-full post--I need to be reminded of the good things in life as well.

Ang said...

we all need this reminder sometimes! thanks :)

Oh, My Darling said...

Aw, this is such an inspiring and wonderful post. I completely agree!!! There's always something to be grateful for, and to put things into perspective!

Unknown said...

Seriously, negativity breeds more negativity. Sometimes it can be so hard to stay positive, but it's worth it when you do :)

KatOfDiamonds said...

looooooove the quote <3