Beautiful Days

Has it ever occurred to anyone that we have control of our own lives?

We can decide whether or not we want to have a good day. We can control how we react to situations. We can
choose to be happy. No one is making us frown at the passing strangers. No one is making us flip off that guy that just cut us off. Being a positive person, being a positive influence, you can not only change your life but the lives of others.

Kinda deep if ya think about it, no?


sj said...

Definitely! I keep realizing this everyday. There have been lots of times in my life where I have just been negative because it was easiest. Positivity is really the best policy. Thanks for this post!

Jenni said...

I tell myself that everyday. If a day is going badly I regroup, I get a coffee over lunch, I take a few moments to myself- close my eyes and turn the music on.... I think human willpower does have the ability to make things happen and I refuse to be unhappy and spread it to others. Negativity breeds resentment. :)

.:*aMbAr*:. said...

Awwwwww so cute!

Nikki Neurotic said...

That's a really sweet picture.

I like what you posted, it's true. I'll admit that there's too many days where I've woken up in a bad mood and that bad mood has just followed me throughout the day.

Sierra said...

This is exactly what I needed today, thanks so much love! Having a bit of a hard day, but you are so right. We choose to be happy and I choose to overcome this day with happiness! Hope you had a wonderful day, XO!

Amy said...

You are so right girl! This post made me happy. It really made me think. When we're having bad days with a "poor me" attitude, I think we all gots to remember that it's our own fault. We can't control everything that happens in our lives, but like you said, we can control how we react. I loved this. Thanks for making me smile!! :)

Okie said...

I hope this means you're closer to accepting the fact that you're a positive influence? ;)